
Tuesday 24 November 2015

Deer Memes

At school we were learning about deer in New Zealand. My reading group made memes to support deer that are killed for no reason. People kill deer for the fun of it. 

Friday 6 November 2015

The Dark Side Of Chocolate

The Dark Side Of Chocolate

Most of us are chocolate lovers but no-one really knows what’s behind those delicious sweets. Would you stand up for the children collecting the cocoa nibs for our chocolate or would you ignore the fact that children like you and me are suffering and working? This is the dark side of chocolate that many people have not realised.

Child labour is a very big issue especially in the process of chocolate. This is happening in Ivory Coast and in many other places in Africa. These poor children are lured by traffickers to work in cocoa plantations or farms. Young boys from ages 12-16 are kidnapped, tricked and forced to work. They think they are helping themselves and their parents by working obediently for their masters. The truth is, they’re not. These kids are abused and ill-treated by their masters for no reason. The biggest problem in chocolate manufacturers is that people don’t do anything about the enslaved children. These cold-hearted people are just using these children to get money and telling the whole world false information.

Children don’t deserve a childhood full of work. What have they done to deserve such abuse? They were born poor, yes and they want to help their parents and family. But to get into child labour is not right for the human society and for them. These children that work so hard just to avoid being beaten up should be holding pens in their hands, going to school and having friends.

But how can this be possible if there is no one to make the first step and get justice for these children? You, me, us. The whole world has to work together to tackle this situation of child labour.

All Souls Day


Stingrays. Innocent and friendly. But are they all what we say they are? Suppose there’s a dark side of stingrays. What happened to Steve Irwin? He died because of a Stingray! Aren’t they dangerous? Well, if you look at it, stingrays aren’t that aggressive to humans! They only sting humans when you stand on them! That’s good news to most of us!

Flat creatures that belong to the warm tropical waters. Stingrays. They are flat. Having a flat body is part of a stingray’s nature. Its flat body helps it to burrow under the sand to hide from predators. This is part of their self defence. Their long tail is part of their self defence too! The venomous sting of the stingray is flexible so that it can swing and pierce through any animal very quickly and swiftly.

What makes a stingray so flexible? Do they have bones or is it their adaptation to the water? No stingrays do not have bones, replacing the bones is cartilage that runs through the whole body from the tip of their tail to the top of their wide and flat body. This is similar to the shark which is the ‘cousin’ of stingrays.  

Many are mistaken by the eyes of the stingray. Top or bottom? Their nostrils, which are located at the bottom of the stingray’s body are always mistaken for their eyes. The eyes of a stingray are at the top but they do not use it quite often, even when they are hunting for prey. Instead, they use their sense of smell to locate their prey. This is where their nostrils come in.

Are stingrays mammals? They are most likely to be marine mammals because they give birth to fully developed stingrays. If stingrays weren’t mammals then what would they be classified as since they absolutely do not lay eggs.

Stingrays are amazing and interesting creatures with many features that are mind blowing.

Tagul: Killer Whales

Killer Whales

Wednesday 4 November 2015

Magnificat Reflection

The Magnificat

Mary our mother adored and worshipped God with her whole body and soul. She showed obedience and gratitude to God for everything he had done in her life.

In Mary’s song of praise, which is usually known as The Magnificat, Mary said that God will show mercy to those people who praise him for generations. Mother Mary also says that the hungry will be given good things and the rich and proud will be sent away with nothing.

With these simple words and examples, Mary the queen of Heaven and Earth has inspired many people to be faithful to the Lord.

By: Liezl


Why do we wear shoes?

Why Do We Wear Shoes?

Shoes. We all know what shoes are, but what’s the purpose of shoes? Shoes are meant to be things you wear on your feet to protect your feet from germs and injuries. But do shoes protect us enough? Not really. Shoes are the cause of why most humans are flat-footed. Many would say, “What’s so important about having an arch?”. Well, having an arched foot is actually what all humans are meant to have.

Before shoes were invented, humans had healthier feet. But now since we wear shoes too often, we are all flat-footed (Well mostly) and our feet are less healthy. Shoes aren’t what we should avoid but we should always try to go outside barefoot and feel the earth beneath our feet. Shoes, on the other hand are for comfort. Everyone wouldn’t want to feel cold and damp grounds, hot and scorching concrete.  But  rather they wouldn’t mind feeling the insides of their shoes. If you wear the correct shoes for a specific event, you’ll have to get the correct size in order for your feet to have less damage. Referring to an article, “You Walk Wrong”, it simply states that walking is the easiest thing to do especially because you learn it when you are just a tiny toddler. But there is one issue that you have never even noticed and it is still a big issue now. A foot-issue. Have you ever felt your feet hurt? But you just think you have been walking too much?

The cause of all your pain in your feet is your shoes. Shoes make us walk wrongly. Many humans wear shoes mostly to match their outfit and to make them look neat and smart.  Women these days wear high heels. The high heels they wear are TOO high that sometimes walking is laborious. What are the effects ? Well, it affects the foot because it doesn’t get the muscles working. Instead, it is just making the feet strained and painful. Would you want that? High heels don’t even have support for the arch. Basically, high heels were only made to make women look tall but instead, it really looks like they are on their tiptoes. High heels are killer shoes! Did you know that shoes have a bad effect on our posture.

Shoes need specialized insoles! If you are wondering what insoles are soles that can be removed from the shoe. Usually it helps with the size of the shoes and it is also helps with the support.

Shoes have also become a part of who we are. For example, many posh and rich people are able to afford expensive and attractive shoes. Many of these ‘rich’ shoes have gems and ribbons. This again, doesn’t help with the muscles in our feet.

Running shoes are very important to runners. It is so important because it helps and protects the runner’s feet from rocks and dirt. But at the same time, running shoes aren’t that good. Many shoes sell running shoes that don’t have the correct support. A shop called ‘Athlete’s foot’ sells well-supported running shoes and they have the best recommendations.

By: Liezl